COVID-19 Guidelines
The following information is current and accurate to the best of our ability as of Tuesday, February 9th, 2021.
The Islamic Center of Vallejo is open for the five daily prayers and weekly Jummah prayers. No other activities are currently taking place.
These are the guidelines for prayers at the masjid going forward, as per the State of California, Solano County, and the Islamic Center of Vallejo.
General guidelines
These guidelines apply at all times, including during Jummah prayers. See below for guidelines specific to Jummah.
- Everyone must wear a face mask inside the masjid.
- Bring your own prayer rug or similar item.
- Everyone’s body temperature will be checked at the entrance.
- Make wudu (ablutions) before coming to the masjid.
- Maintain 6 feet of distance from other people, including during prayers; we will have the musallahs (prayer halls) appropriately marked to make this easy. Refrain from shaking hands, hugging, and other physical contact.
- Please leave once the prayer is over.
- No food will be allowed to be served or offered at the masjid.
- There can be no more than 100 people in the masjid at any time.
- Older people and those with a compromised immune system are requested to stay home for their own safety.
- People with allergies, flu-like symptoms, respiratory issues, or fever, or who have any reason to think they may be sick, are strongly encouraged to stay home for the protection of the whole community.
Jummah Guidelines
These are guidelines that are specific to Jummah prayers. All general guidelines listed above also apply to Jummah prayers.
- Due to the limited maximum capacity of 100 people as specified by the state guidelines, we will have two Jummah (Friday) prayers at the masjid; the prayers will start at 1:00pm and 1:30pm.
- Children under the age of 13 will not be allowed in the masjid for Jummah prayers.
- Please leave immediately after the prayer is over, in order to make room for people coming for the next prayer. Do not socialize in the parking lot after prayers.
Individual Preventative Measures
We all have a responsibility to help reduce the risk of infection (by COVID-19, the flu, etc.) in our communities. Here are the steps we will be taking moving forward as a community:
- Practice good hygiene, including thoroughly washing your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and covering your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue or a flexed elbow when coughing or sneezing. Also, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, and clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- If you have a fever, cough, difficulty breathing, or other flu-like symptoms, please don’t leave your home.
- If you believe you or a family member have been in close contact with confirmed cases of COVID-19 or may be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, please call your health care provider immediately. Give them a call; do not visit them in-person without notice. In general, call ahead before visiting your doctor if at all possible.
- Avoid close contact with anyone who has a fever, cough or other flu-like symptoms.
- Practice “social distancing” by maintaining six feet of space between yourself and others in gathering places. Do not shake hands, hug, or kiss people on the cheeks.
- Adhere to all current travel restrictions.
Stay Informed
These guidelines are subject to change. Please make sure to check in regularly for any updates. You can also subscribe to our email newsletter; major updates will be delivered to your inbox.
- Tuesday, February 9th: Open for indoor prayers. Cleaned up page and updated information.