A message from Br. Yunus
A message from Islamic Center of Vallejo board member Mohammed Yunus. Assalamu alykum and Ramadan Mubarak, May Allah S.W.T. accept our fasting, salat, ibadah, and charity, and protect all of…
One of Solano County's largest and most active mosques
A message from Islamic Center of Vallejo board member Mohammed Yunus. Assalamu alykum and Ramadan Mubarak, May Allah S.W.T. accept our fasting, salat, ibadah, and charity, and protect all of…
Ramadan Mubarak! The moon has been sighted, which means that tonight (Thursday) is the first night of Ramadan, and tomorrow, Friday, April 24th, will be the first day of fasting.…
Due to the hardships many people are experiencing during the ongoing coronavirus situation, the Islamic Center of Vallejo has begun operating a food drive program, in hopes that we can…
CORRECTION: Due to a miscommunication, we briefly announced that Ramadan had been confirmed to begin on Friday. That has NOT been confirmed yet. We apologize for the error, and will…